Monday, December 29, 2014


One thing about me that I have yet to mention is that I am home-schooled. I'm a junior in high school and I have been homeschooled since the very beginning along with my three siblings.

Pretty much everyone knows it's a running joke (Or not so much of a joke) that home schooled kids are "sheltered"

Meaning, we have NO idea what goes on in the real world and our innocent little minds will have no idea how to function one day in the real world because we haven't had any experience in dealing with stuff that goes on in the real world like the kids in public schools do. (Sarcasm intended)

I have received many insults over the years (Some purposely and some jokingly, but still saying it nonetheless) and I'm sure my "homeschooler buddies" reading this know exactly what I'm talking about. 
Multiple remarks similar to "Oh, you don't know what we're talking about 'cause you're homeschooled", "Your sheltered mind doesn't understand" (You get the point)

For years I haven't known how to correctly respond to remarks like this. Usually causing an awkward pause in the conversation or coming back with something that might not have been the best response. But the older I get, I'm realizing how much of a compliment those remarks actually are; regardless of how they were intended.

Talking about the first definition. Why do people take shelter in a storm? Because the storm has shown signs of severity. We take shelter to be cautious and to save ourselves from being harmed.
We're completely aware of the storm and all the damage it can cause, we're still right there in the middle of it. But we choose to take caution if we see that storm is strong enough to overtake us.

Get the metaphor?

I'm very thankful for the decision my parents have made in sheltering us from all the drama, sex, drugs, and all the "real world stuff" that lots other kids have to deal with at an early age. 
By no means does it mean I'm not aware of the struggles many kids have to face daily. My mind is fully aware, but my heart is sheltered.

"Guard your heart ABOVE ALL ELSE,  for it determines the course of your life."
(Proverbs 4:23, NLT) 

By some of the remarks I, my siblings, and my parents have received over the years, we've gathered that multiple people think that it's impossible to succeed in life without a "real" school education.
I'm not insulted by this because it's really none of their business how we go about our lives. But my parents have provided us with all the necessities to succeed in life in whichever direction we decide to take. But more importantly, they have firmly planted in us the roots of His kingdom. The only success in life that really matters. I would choose that over a "real" school education any day.

Now to make one thing clear here, I am not AT ALL saying you can't protect your heart while attending an actual school. I have many, many friends that attend public/private schools and are some of my very best friends that have helped me in my own walk with Christ in many ways.

The choices my family makes are what we decide is best for our own family.
To each their own. :-)

Thursday, December 25, 2014

But seriously..

One of the numerous clique things we hear multiple times throughout the Christmas season on the radio, yard signs, movies, etc. is "Jesus is the reason for the season" 
We hear the same old Christmas hymns we've heard every year ever since we can remember. Nonchalantly singing along and going about all our usual Christmas routines and traditions.

Maybe stopping every once and a while to remember His birth and to say a quick prayer in our head to thank Him before moving right on with our busy December. 

Stop for a moment and truly thank Him. Don't just celebrate today by spending time with family, feasting, and giving/receiving gifts. Celebrate today by spending some time thanking the One who gave it all to you. I encourage you to do this frequently, not just on Christmas. 

"Every good and perfect gift is from above." (James 1:17)

Yes, thank Him for your family. For your blessings, the good food you had, the gifts you received that you "couldn't live without", the laughs and good conversations you had today celebrating in honor of His birth.

But more importantly, thank Him for giving you the only good and perfect gift that has ever existed. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 
I know this is a verse we've all heard millions of times, but no matter how many times we read it, it's still one of the most important. John 3:16. 

I don't even have to type it. You know it.

"For God so loved the world, He gave His one and only son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life."

For God.So.Loved.The World.


The world.

Our nasty, sin filled, selfish, evil, broken world full of broken people.

He loved us so entirely much that He sent His one and only son for us. 

I know how easy it is to get so caught up in the business of the holidays. The shopping, the presents, the traffic, the family, the parties, the friends, the traditions. 

We all hear "don't forget the real reason for the season" 

But seriously. Don't forget. 

I hope you take some time this holiday season to truly remember our Savior's birth and be thankful.
Today and everyday. 
For not only is He the reason for the season, but the reason for our every season. The only reason we have hope. 

He is our hope. Jesus. So celebrate Him.

Merry Christmas, readers! :) 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

A Poem For You

Aside from journaling, another way I enjoy expressing myself is through poetry. 
I've always loved how simply and lovely feelings can be expressed through poems. 
How words so very simple can touch my heart so deeply. 

Ever since I can remember my mom would read my siblings and I different poems and have us memorize them. Years later many of those poems are still stuck in my mind. Many of my favorites coming from Robert Frost Emily Dickinson. 

As much as I enjoy reading poetry, I always enjoy writing my own share of it. But for the most part, I don't share then with anyone.
Earlier tonight I was flipping through my journal from 2013 and I found a poem I had written and I have decided to share it with you peoples. :) 
I had posted this previously on my Facebook so those of you that are friends with me just might recognize it. 

 ••••••I Love You••••••

"How can you love a sinner like me? 
When I'm no where close to who I should be

I can't even count the mistakes I've made
But through it all Your grace is the same

When I'm hurting, crying, and feeling my worst 
You fix my broken pieces and hold me in my hurt

Nothing you do for me I could ever deserve
You still chase after me 
Even though you hold the whole earth 

Again and again and again I fail
But you never give up on me

Over and and over I fall 
But you never stop lifting me

You hold my hand when I deserve to be alone
You take me in your arms when I deserve no home

You whisper to me "I love you" 
Even when I've disappointed you 
You whisper to me "I forgive you" 
When that's the last thing I deserve from You

I deserve death, I deserve pain, I deserve darkness, I deserve rain.
But you took it all for me, just so I wouldn't 
The highest of highs took the place of a servant 

You died in darkness that wasn't Your own
You raised up in light, so we could all go home

You'll whisper "I love you" until I die
and I'll never stop asking myself why
There's no reason for you to love me
But somehow 

When I'm nothing but a mess, the One who holds me is You.
The one thing that keeps me going, is the voice I always hear
Your grace is always showing
Starting softly in my ear 

When you whisper "I love you"

I can't even count the mistakes I've made
But through it all Your grace is the same.

Again and again and again I fail 
But you never give up on me

Over and and over and over I fall 
But you never stop lifting me 

I will never understand why you still whisper "I love you" to a sinner like me
Even when I'm 
who I should be. "

Monday, December 8, 2014

The Art of Godly Acceptance

About a year or so ago, I ripped out a page from a small devotional book whose name currently escapes me. I have never been really into topical devotional books. I usually prefer to just read the bible on my own. 
But as I was cleaning my room one day, I found this little book and I started skimming through it a little. Not really stopping to read much of anything until a certain title caught my eye. 
 "The Art of Godly Acceptance" 

Underneath the title is Proverbs 16:9

"Many are the plans in one's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."

Followed by that verse it reads:

"Sometimes, we must accept life on it's terms, not on our own. Life has a way of unfolding, not as we will, but as it will. And sometimes, there is precious little we can do to change things. 
When events transpire that are beyond our control, we have a choice: we can either learn the art of acceptance, or we can make ourselves miserable as we struggle to change the unchangable.
We must entrust the things we cannot change to God. Once we have done so, we can prayerfully and faithfully tackle the important work that He has set before us: the things we can change."

I have kept this taped to my dresser since then as a reminder to myself. 
Looking back at my life, I've seen lots of times that something went wrong and through those times that I was down, I wasn't choosing joy. 

I would complain, mope, get angry, act out in my own confusion, pray for my own wants in my life and how I wanted my life to be. 
Instead of trusting God and knowing that His plan was working through my life the whole time. 

I haven't mastered the art of godly acceptance just yet. In fact, I probably never will. I'm human and I question God's plans for my life all.the.time.

But the important thing is, I'm learning.

I posted this on my twitter last week and I think it's a good summarization of my year. 

Just in case you aren't familiar with those two verses, Jeremiah 29:11 reads 

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future." 

and Proverbs 3:5 says

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."

I have been clinging to those two verses this year. Whenever Satan starts to get in my head and tries to discourage me, I remind myself that I have surrendered to Him. 

His will not mine.

As much as anyone could try, even the smartest man alive still couldn't comprehend the ways of God.

 "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:9)

So why would I, a 16 year old Junior in high school, try to understand His ways? It's impossible. 

So no matter what's going on in my life, I must remember that I have surrendered to someone higher than me. 
Not because I understand Him, but because I trust Him.

My God's got me, 'yo.

Looking back at your own life, do you get down when things don't go your way? Or have you surrendered to His will? If you'd like to share any personal stories of this you can message me at either of the sites below. 

If you enjoyed this post or want to give any suggestions do me a favor and like my FB page at 

or follow my twitter @choosingjoyy or my personal @lolcarlie 