Thursday, December 25, 2014

But seriously..

One of the numerous clique things we hear multiple times throughout the Christmas season on the radio, yard signs, movies, etc. is "Jesus is the reason for the season" 
We hear the same old Christmas hymns we've heard every year ever since we can remember. Nonchalantly singing along and going about all our usual Christmas routines and traditions.

Maybe stopping every once and a while to remember His birth and to say a quick prayer in our head to thank Him before moving right on with our busy December. 

Stop for a moment and truly thank Him. Don't just celebrate today by spending time with family, feasting, and giving/receiving gifts. Celebrate today by spending some time thanking the One who gave it all to you. I encourage you to do this frequently, not just on Christmas. 

"Every good and perfect gift is from above." (James 1:17)

Yes, thank Him for your family. For your blessings, the good food you had, the gifts you received that you "couldn't live without", the laughs and good conversations you had today celebrating in honor of His birth.

But more importantly, thank Him for giving you the only good and perfect gift that has ever existed. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 
I know this is a verse we've all heard millions of times, but no matter how many times we read it, it's still one of the most important. John 3:16. 

I don't even have to type it. You know it.

"For God so loved the world, He gave His one and only son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life."

For God.So.Loved.The World.


The world.

Our nasty, sin filled, selfish, evil, broken world full of broken people.

He loved us so entirely much that He sent His one and only son for us. 

I know how easy it is to get so caught up in the business of the holidays. The shopping, the presents, the traffic, the family, the parties, the friends, the traditions. 

We all hear "don't forget the real reason for the season" 

But seriously. Don't forget. 

I hope you take some time this holiday season to truly remember our Savior's birth and be thankful.
Today and everyday. 
For not only is He the reason for the season, but the reason for our every season. The only reason we have hope. 

He is our hope. Jesus. So celebrate Him.

Merry Christmas, readers! :) 

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