Friday, November 7, 2014

10 Simple Pleasures :)

In my very first blog post titled "keep choosing joy" based off my favorite quote and the title of my blog, I said "I now find myself enthused by the smallest things I used to constantly overlook and take for granted. It's amazing how much joy is out there if I only look with the right eyes." 

But I didn't go into very much detail about what I see now that I look with different eyes. So I'm going to write about 10 simple pleasures in my world. A few of the little things that can bring me a smile throughout my day. 

1. Dandelions. 
Dandelions are one of the most simple things that make me happy. I really have no idea why... I just like them. 
Whenever I see them no matter where I am I have to pick all of them.
(...No really, ALL of them.)
This Summer while we were driving down the highway I saw a field full of HUGE dandelions and starting screaming in excitment and made my mom pull over so I could pick some.

(Seeee, I told you they were huge) 

2. The Sky. 
I've mentioned in two posts now that I LOVE the sky. No matter how it looks something about it always seems to amuse me. The shape of the clouds, the stars, the different views of the moon, the beautiful colors of the sunrise/sunset. It's how I "see God" as much as my human self can. Almost like that's how He's looking down on me, and I'm looking back up at Him.

3. Simplicity. 
As busy as the world is, it seems to me simplicity is rare. We're always so caught up in everything that sometimes I think we forget to just stop and enjoy life. So the moments of simplicity are some of my favorite moments. Moments where there's no distractions and life isn't nagging for your focus. The moments to just sit back and be content. Surrounded by and smiling with the people you love. 


4. Morning Car Time.
A couple weeks ago basketball season started. Which also means 7AM practice....Although I am not a morning person whatsoever, there is one thing in particular I highly enjoy about having to be on the road that early. Worship time with just me and my Jesus. As I'm driving there and back, I have plenty of time to just talk to Him. Even out loud sometimes so people driving next to me probably think I'm crazy.. 
I turn up the radio (louder than I should) on one of our family favorite Christian stations. Letting the words flow through my ears and straight to my heart. My morning car rides have become the highlights of my mornings. 

5. Nice Weather & Lovely Walks/Rides
I mean really, who DOESN'T love nice weather?! But I reeeeally do. I like it nice and warm with a cool breeze. 
....And what goes perfectly with lovely weather? WALKS & RIDES.
I love taking walks or riding my bike when the weather is perfect. When it is, my family and I will all go on walks almost every evening together. I have many fond memories of simply just walking and riding down the street with my family and friends. It's when the best conversations happen. I have many memories from this past Summer when one of my best friends stayed with me for a couple weeks and we rode our bikes for hours everyday. 

6. Random Kindness.
Everyone loves some genuine encouragement. One of the first things that comes to mind is my sweet momma. I remember many mornings of waking up to sweet little letters of encouragement from her. No matter what it is, random kind/funny texts from friends, random compliments, or sometimes people just letting me know they love and care for me; Little things like that help keep a smile on my face. 

7. Finding Nemo. 
Yes, I'm 16 years old. No, I don't care what you think. I love it. 
My younger sister and I went through a phase where we pretty much watched Nemo once a day or every other day. Want us to recite the entire movie for you? 'Cause we will. No matter if it's the thousandth time that I've seen it, I will still be cracking up like it's the very first time. (Shout out to my awesome youth leader, Michael, for letting me borrow the DVD because I'm lame and don't own it.) 

8. Bible Time/Journaling
I wrote above about how much I love my morning drives with me and my Jesus. But I also love the time I can spend with Him without any other distractions. My bible, my journal, and my heart and His. Nothing else. Time to just write down my thoughts, knowing that no one knows them but me and Him. As I write down what's on my heart I start to feel the burden lifted immediately. Knowing He's listening to my every thought. 
To leave the world behind for a few minutes and get lost in my Savior. 

9. Cruisin' 
Another one of my very favorite memories is cruising around with my older brother. Windows down and the radio all the way up. Singing at the top of our lungs, talking, and laughing at the dumbest things together. 

10. "Zoomed out"
This one is hard for me to explain. As much as I love being IN big crowds of people and neat places. Watching from a distance also oddly amuses me.
It's yet another place I can't help but see my God's glory. When I see big crowds of people all I can think of is how different He made every one of them. How each individual person has their own story and no matter who they are and what that story is, He loves them. Every.One.Of.Them.

Every time I see His creation zoomed out, I am left in awe of His work. I will never be able to grasp how anyone could look at all the wonders He's made and not believe in a God as amazing as our God is. 

(It's cool to see the world "zoomed out")

There we go, 10 simple reasons that bring me joy. I hope you enjoyed hearing about some random things that bring me joy. I am so blessed to have so many reasons to smile. My God is good.

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