Sunday, March 29, 2015

•365• (3/23-3/29)

So today is Monday the 23'rd of March. I have decided to do the "365 project" 

Simply put, the 365 project is where you take a picture and journal everyday, from whenever you start the project for 365 days. I'll be posting my pictures and writings from the previous week on Sundays. 

Monday, 3/23/15 

Today was such a lovely day. I posted this picture on my Instagram with the caption as "It is up to you to see the joy of everyday things" 
I've mentioned quite a few times now that dandelions are one of the tiny things I find joy in. 
Today, after the usual Monday routine, I found some dandelions in my yard following a beautiful sunset. 

Since today is "day one" I thought I'd share a song that is currently stuck in my head called Day One by Matthew West. 

"Wherever my yesterday may find me, I don't have to stay there. 
...Every morning Your mercies new.
Every morning, I will fix my eyes on you.
It's day one of the rest of my life."

Besides the little bit of joy from the everyday dandelions and sunset, He brought joy to me today in reminding me that every morning His mercies are new. As I was looking at the beautiful sunset, I was reminded that when it comes up, a new day will have begun. A new day with new mercies, new opportunities, and another day to fall more in love with my Jesus. I'm thankful for the joy He continues to show me.

3/24/15 Tuesday

Another beautiful, beautiful day. Spring makes me sooooo happy. :D I love days where I somehow find myself outside almost all day long. 
A few minutes before the above photo was taken, I found a nice little spot in my yard to have my bible and journaling time. Today I read Romans 12. Verse 21 has always been one of my favorites. 
"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." Underneath that verse in my bible I have "The chain reaction of evil must be broken" 
One of my most favorite quotes ever I heard while hearing "Rachel's Challenge" with my youth group. 
Just spend some time thinking about that. Challenge yourself to break the chain reaction of evil. Overcome evil with good. 

3/25/15 Wednesday

Today's picture is a line from Francis Chan's book "Crazy Love"  that really stood out to me. As my Junior year is soon to come to end, I keep getting asked all the usual questions. "Where do you want to go to college?" and "what are you going to do?"
(You've probably asked or been asked similar questions yourself) 
Right now, my answer is always "I'm not sure." I feel embarrassed with that answer. Especially hearing people my age talk with such confidence about their future's when I feel as if I have no idea about my own. 
But the chapter in Crazy Love that I read today went straight to my heart. 
It was all about praising God where we are. In the known, and the unknown. Trusting God and letting go of all our stress and worry. Oh how easily we forget just how small and insignificant we are. 
Thank God we are weak, fragile, and not in control. Because that's when we realize we need Him. 
I may not know exactly what to do, but I know He'll put me right where He wants me. I can have confidence in the unknown, daily trusting and allowing Him to shape my life. 
My God's got me, yo. 

2/26/15 Thursday

I love quiet time with my Jesus. The sun shine filling my room. I feel so at peace. 
Today I read Psalm 121: 
"I lift my eyes to the mountains- 
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from The Lord
the maker of heaven and earth." 
Is that not just super encouraging? I love His constant reminders of His help and His strength. 
I had a lovely day with my family, filled with quality time and laughter. Days like today remind me how wonderful the gift of life is. 
Have you thanked God for waking you up today? 

3/27/15 Friday

This is Cailey Lyné. My beautiful little sister. My goodness, she is growing up so fast.
 It took me too long to realize just how big of a blessing sisters are. We've had our many, many quarrels. But we've also had our many, many smiles, laughs, and "sister moments."
In the car today, she caught my eye while she was fixing her hair in the front seat. Right then it hit me just how fast the time passes by. 
Along with a little guilt for not always being the best sister, and a realization of just how much I have learned through her. She is so kind, gentle, loving, caring all things sweet. 
My baby sister will be a teenager this year, and I can't wait to see the beautiful flower of a lady she blossoms into. :) 


One reason why I love photography so much is because it captures moments that can never be captured again. 
Sure, I may have lots of pictures of similar things/times. But the exact moment I took the picture will never happen again. But I have that moment saved to return to as many times as I'd like. Pictures can be very special keepsakes if you think about it.
The picture above is of my two younger siblings, one of my cousins, and a friend all laughing together while watching a video. I love the sweet, silly, child like joy this picture displays. A moment I'm glad I not only got to experience, but capture to keep.
Today we had a nice dinner at our grandma's house. Her beautiful newly remodeled house, I must add. My grandpa spent lots of time working on their house before he passed away this past November, so once he passed away a lot of work was put in to finish the house in honor of him. 
Now it's close to being finished and we all had a lovely time celebrating it together. 
I missed him a lot today, but thankful for the smiles that family brings. 

3/29/15 Sunday

Today was a "meh" day. I know you know the type of day I'm referring to.
Ya know, the ones that aren't necessarily bad but aren't just all that grand either. I was only home for a total of 20 minutes almost all day, and I forgot my camera anywhere I went. But this evening I looked outside at the perfect time to see a lovely sunset that made all of today worth it. I love the soft colors peeking through the leafless trees.
To quote one of my favorite twentyonepilots song: "The sun will rise and we will start again" 
Tomorrow will be a whole new day of a whole week full of new mercies, opportunities, and falling more in love with my Jesus.
I'm ready for ya, Monday.
May you all have a blessed week and never forget to smile. :-) 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Soul Link '15

This past weekend I attended a retreat in Houston with my youth group called Soul Link. 

We were supposed to leave right after lunch on Friday, but Friday morning we woke up to a lovely white blanket of snow and ice causing our trip to be delayed until 3. 
(Nothing really changed but we were all determined to make it)
Because of our delay we missed all of the activities on Friday night. But our day began early Saturday morning.

The main theme of the weekend was centered around John 15

"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even  more fruitful.  
...Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself: It must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. 
I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.."

I forget the man's name that did the lesson (whoops) but looking back through my notes from this weekend, one thing he said really stood out to me.
He said "bearing fruit is not something we do, it's something we ARE. The command is not to bear fruit, it's to abide in Him."

When he said this, I immediately thought of when Jesus says the whole law can be summed up in one command, love.
We aren't commanded to bear fruit, we are commanded to LOVE.
 When we love others and Jesus with all we have, it's going to show through our actions even without us trying. 
The command is not to bear fruit, it's to abide in Him. 

Another thing he said that really stuck out to me was "you will spill what you're full of" 

If his words are in us, we will bear good fruit. 

He also quoted the verse from Romans 15:13 
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope."

What we fill up with is what will overflow from us. 

What are you filling up with? 

Aside from the lessons, I loved the worship. 
I always love praising Him through song, but there's just something about hearing close to 1,000 teens singing out to Him together that I don't think I can even say with words. 

(Imagine 1,000 teens singing this together. All that we are is His.)

All that I am is His. 
HE is the true vine.
Apart from Him,